I feel beautiful tonight.
Maybe it's the way you're looking at me.
I feel sexy tonight.
Maybe it's the way you're loving me.
I feel free- I feel so free-
Losing myself in your touch;
In your fiery gaze;
In your enraptured face uplifted
As we succumb to the mist
And the rain's music on the windows.
Our fire pulses and pops,
Begins to flicker-
It tremors-
Ashes of raw emotion,
Molten love overflowing-
Breaking dams-
Breaking hearts.
In love's afterglow,
My heart whispers seductively to yours.
But wait! Why are you getting dressed?
Are you leaving me?
I feel faint.
Your eyes upon my face have grown cold.
Goosebumps arise on my body,
For your gaze rakes my flesh with indifference,
Rather than praise.
I hate you.
As you leave me rotting naked in my bed,
I evaporate.
I sinned reverently in the Devil's embrace.
The rain mocks me now.
"Go to hell," I mutter.
"You should have known," the rain laughs.
Indeed, I should have known.
I lied to myself, now I cry to myself.
I roll into myself with morbid utterances,
Floating in emptiness,
Floating in despair.
Next time I'll know.

Copyright © 2002 by Elizabeth Ann Lopez