Another Love Poem
There's a flame in my heart that warms me inside out,
There's warmth in my veins that vanquishes all doubt.
There's a mental image of your smile that shines a light
Like the sun in my days, like a fire burning bright,
Like a speeding train's furnace when I think of you at night.
It's when the galaxy's stars blanket the clear cold skies
That the internal fire slowly spreads to my thighs.
The heat rises off my body, spirals into thoughts of you,
Little private fantasies of the nasty things we love to do,
But never wrong, for our love, and every climax is true.
The sizzle of lust makes me yearn for your touch,
No, I don't miss you, baby, I don't miss you much.
Only every time I think of you, which is every time I think.
I only miss you when I hear your name, only every time I blink,
I only miss you when I'm dreaming, washing dishes at the sink,
Every time I hear a love song, every prayer I make,
Oh hell, let's face it, I miss you with every breath I take.
There's a fire that burns and makes everything all right,
Even when you're not here to kiss and hold me tight,
It's when I'm missing you the most that our love takes flight,
Your love, your passion, your attention to my pleasure,
Trust me, darling, no other man could hope to measure.
I will not find another for I know that you're the one.
I can't remember when last I had so much pain, nor fear, nor fun.
Should the time come when I should lose you, my life will then be done,
But still I'll thank the Lord for the time that you were here.
Don't let the miles fool you, love, I'll always hold you near.
For passion, the comfort, the friendship, and for the love of you.
Our love is unconditional, steadfast, and infinitely true.
Nothing in Heaven could be so right as this...I love you, Robert, I do.
Copyright © 2002 by Elizabeth Ann Lopez