Heart Strings

The stories on this page are stories that were sent to me from a friend of mine. I cut and paste them, so if there are any grammatical or spelling errors, it is only because that is the way that I received them, and I did not want to alter the words in any way. I have no idea who wrote any of these, nor do I know whether or not they're true. What I do know is that each of these stories has touched me in a special way, and I know that they will tug at your heart strings.

The Tradition
This is a bittersweet story about the true meaning of Christmas. It's about family, it's about giving... it's about tradition.

The Future
A woman witnesses what love could be...what her future could be.

He Speaks
God speaks to a man who is having doubts...now it's up to him to listen.

A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy
A woman in pain learns a lesson from a six year old girl.

The Season
A woman finds the spirit of Christmas when she gives from her heart.

Trouble Tree
A man discovers his coworker's secret for dealing with his problems.

The Test
A man discovers the true beauty of love.